Great strides have been taken in every aspect of creating efficiency in agriculture, except in the area of genetic feed
efficiency in beef cattle. 68% of the operation costs with a cattle producer is allocated to the output in feed cost. This is
according to a study done by Kansas State University. Two of the largest variable costs facing the cattle feeding sector are
purchasing a calf and the amount of feed needed to finish the calf. Having the ability to use less feed to finish the calf
substantially improves the profitability in production and severely diminishes environmental implications. Optimizing feed efficiency is one of the best ways to cut costs while improving the quality of your herd. Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) is the amount of dry matter feed required to yield one unit of gain. For beef cattle, this runs between the FCR of 4.5 and 7.5 (ideally, we want to see a lower number). Actually, compared to other livestock, ruminants have a poor FCR. Usually, beef cattle
average a FCR of 6:1 (6 lbs. of feed for an animal to gain 1 lb. live weight).
In an industry where the term Feed Efficiency is used to promote a program, very few have actual hard data to prove their stance. Herb Angus has deemed it necessary to define Feed Efficiency and put the genetics to the TEST. Feed
Efficiency is the ability to either maintain or gain body weight on less feed compared to another animal in the same
environment. Therefore, it must be proven by measurable data. Herb Angus is one of very few seedstock producers in the
Midwest who does this kind of hard data testing on their bulls. It is not about starving profit out of a cow, but about
producing more pounds of beef in your program with the same input costs. Feed efficient genetics will raise more pounds with less cost, which in turn, will give you an extra opportunity to profit.
Our family strives to help our customers. Brian is eager to answer any questions or guide you through as your program
progresses. In the end, our goal is to have you put more money in your pocket. We are here to help in any way we can.
Contact: Brian today to get you Herd on "The Test"
When’s the most important time to focus on nutrition during development of replacement heifers?
There isn’t just one time frame. Focus on nutrition throughout a heifer’s first two years of life, with special emphasis during three critical phases: the fetal to pre-weaning phase, the weaning to breeding phase and the breed-back phase. at least 45 days before breeding season starts and continue for at least 45 days into the season. This strategy keeps first-calf heifers on an upward plane of nutrition going into the second round of breeding.
Forage quality will dictate how much additional supplementation is needed. If heifers have quality forage available, then an average of five pounds per head per day supplement is a realistic target. If grazed forage or hay quality is low, first-calf heifers may require an average of 10 pounds per head per day supplement.
A common mistake we see is that nutrition of first calf heifers is not pushed hard enough leading up to breed-back. You don’t want to play catch up and miss the window that may impact the next generation.
Once that female is bred-back for a second time, she should be well on her way to being a productive cow.
Caring for replacement heifers should begin before heifer calves are even born. Research shows if you do not take care of the cow while she’s pregnant, the resulting heifer calves could suffer the consequences. Fetal programming can impact the heifer’s overall health at birth and during her entire life span.
That means it’s imperative to keep cows at a good body condition score year-round, through the nine months of gestation and beyond. Once the calf is born and at the cow’s side, cow nutrition continues to be important because she’s providing critical nutrients to the calf.
If a creep feed is offered to supplement calves, try to avoid getting calves too fat, which can cause potential lower milk production later on, as cows. Keep feed intake at one percent of body weight or less. Feeds with intake modifying properties can help address over-conditioning by encouraging calves to eat smaller, more frequent meals spread throughout the day.
The second most critical time in a heifer calf’s life is when she’s weaned. If we provide quality nutrition throughout the cow’s gestation and keep the cow/calf pair in good condition prior to weaning, we need to make sure we’ve got a top-notch weaning program, or our efforts could be wasted.
Starter ration selection will likely depend on resources and preference. Use a complete or semi-complete starter feed in a hand-fed scenario and complete feed with intake modifying properties for a self-fed situation.
After two or three weeks on a starter ration, we recommend developing heifers in the same environment that they’re going to work in as productive cows. If you have some pasture and forage available to develop heifers, that’s the way to go.
A gain of 1.25-1.75 pounds per day is suggested during this phase to avoid over-conditioning. High-quality, cool-season forages may provide the nutrition needed to achieve such gains. On medium- to low-quality forage, more supplementation may be needed to maintain appropriate gains leading up to breeding.
Once heifers are bred, they should be big enough to sustain themselves more efficiently in a forage-based scenario. If ample forage is available, provide a baseline protein supplement, which should allow heifers to cruise into the third, and final, critical phase.
If we don’t take good care of heifers during the breed-back phase, all of the investment that we have in them up to this point is gone because we’ll have to cull a heifer that we can’t get bred back.
The breed-back phase can be challenging because heifers are still growing and have high nutritional needs. Increase supplementation, supplement at least 45 days before breeding season starts and continue for at least 45 days into the season. This strategy keeps first-calf heifers on an upward plane of nutrition going into the second round of breeding.
Forage quality will dictate how much additional supplementation is needed. If heifers have quality forage available, then an average of five pounds per head per day supplement is a realistic target. If grazed forage or hay quality is low, first-calf heifers may require an average of 10 pounds per head per day supplement.
A common mistake we see is that nutrition of first calf heifers is not pushed hard enough leading up to breed-back. You don’t want to play catch up and miss the window that may impact the next generation.
Once that female is bred-back for a second time, she should be well on her way to being a productive cow
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